Ready to apply? Click below to start your application.

Video Auditions

For international applicants and anyone who is not able to attend an audition in person, we are pleased to continue accepting video auditions for September 2025 entry.

The stages of the audition process are:

  1. Preparing your video audition and applying
  2. Preliminary Audition stage – your video audition will be considered and reviewed as part of the preliminary audition stage
  3. Final Audition Stage  (Online interview only) – invitation only. Successful applicants from the preliminary stage will be invited to attend an online interview as part of the final audition process. You will not be required to dance again and your video audition will be reviewed again as part of the Final Audition Stage.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact

How to Apply

Step One – Check if you are eligible for our Assisted Application Scheme

If you’re a UK student, you may be eligible for our Assisted Application Scheme.

Before applying to our courses, please check if you are eligible for our Assisted Application Scheme.

Step Two – Prepare your audition video

You will need to include the link to your video audition within your application form, so it’s advised that you start preparing your video audition as soon as possible.

All applicants should demonstrate Ballet and Contemporary work within their video and full audition guidance can be found below.

Step Three – Upload your video audition to YouTube

Your video must be uploaded to YouTube as an ‘Unlisted’ video. You must include the link to your video in your application form. Please refer to our YouTube Guidance  for instructions on how to upload your video to YouTube. The title of your audition video must be your FULL NAME followed by your date of birth followed by CENTRAL AUDITION

Step Four – Prepare your headshot

You will be required to upload a recent headshot within your application form. Professional headshots are not necessary, and images can be taken on a mobile device. The headshot is for internal purposes only and will used so our Admissions Team and audition panel are able to identify you. Please ensure your image:

  • Is in portrait orientation
  • Is taken within the last 6 months
  • Is in front of plain background (ideally white)
  • Shows your full face clearly e.g. hair tied back
  • Shows head and shoulders clearly

Step Five – Prepare your personal Statement

You will be required to submit a personal statement as part of the application form. Your personal statement should reflect who you are as a person and you can submit this in a way that feels most accessible to you.

For more information on the personal statement requirements and different ways in which you can submit, you can download our personal statement guidance below.

Step Six – Application Fee

All applicants (unless you are a member of the Assisted Application Scheme) are required to pay a £60.00 application fee.

Once you have reached the end of your application form and clicked ‘Submit’, you will be redirected to a shopping cart where you will need to pay the application fee.

Please note, we are unable to process an application unless payment has been received. Should you have any concerns about the application fee, please contact

Step Seven – Have a parent/guardian with you

The application form may take up to 20 minutes to complete and you will need a parent / guardian present with you. Please complete the form in as much detail as possible. The more information we have, the better.

Where possible, we encourage applicants to complete the form on a device such as a laptop or computer.

Step Eight – Apply now

It looks like you’re ready to begin your application to Central School of Ballet.

If you or your parent / guardian have any access requirements, or require any further support with completing the online application form, please don’t hesitate to contact us at where a member of our Admissions team will be happy to help.

We look forward to receiving your application.

Step Nine – Whilst you wait

You may wish to consider attending one of our online Q&A’s to find out more about Central and the application process. These sessions will be geared towards supporting international applicants but all applicants are welcome to apply and attend.

Preparing your Video Audition

Anyone who meets the age requirement (at least 16 years of age as of 1 September 2025) can apply to our courses and their application and video audition will be considered as part of the Preliminary Audition stage.

Below you can find a list of key dates and application deadlines.

Application deadline

Eligible applicants

Outcome of preliminary audition received by

Wednesday 1 January 2025
International applicants only Friday 17 January 2025
Friday 28 February 2025
All applicants Friday 14 March 2025

What should I include in my audition video?

You should open your video with a brief introduction to camera including your full name, age and where you are from. Please film this with your head and shoulders in shot.

All applicants should refer to our Undergraduate Audition Criteria.

All applicants should demonstrate Ballet and Contemporary work within their video audition.

Ballet should include:

Barre work (no longer than 5 minutes)

Centre work

Pointe work for applicants with experience

For Contemporary, please refer to our  Contemporary Audition Demonstration Video. This can be used as guidance only.

Please note, your audition video should be filmed within 6 months of you submitting your application.

What music should I use?

Any music of your choice. For the Contemporary section, you are welcome to use the music from our Audition Demonstration Video.

You can find downloadable MP3s below:

Music for Tendus 

Music for Triplets

How long should my audition be?

Audition videos should last between 10 and 15 minutes.

What device should I use to record?

Please record your video with a fixed camera / phone to ensure your whole body can be seen, even when on the floor. Please film in landscape orientation.

Can I submit multiple videos?

No. Please ensure all your video footage including your introduction, Ballet and Contemporary is collated into one video. You may need to use an editing tool to do this.

What format does my video need to be in?

Your video must be uploaded to YouTube as an ‘Unlisted’ video. You must include the link to your video in your application form. Please refer to our  YouTube Guidance for instructions on how to upload your video to YouTube. The title of your audition video must be your FULL NAME followed by your date of birth followed by CENTRAL AUDITION.

Who will be reviewing my video audition?

Your video will be reviewed by our audition panel which comprises of Central’s Artistic Director and Professional Training Lead, Kate Coyne and various artistic staff members including Ballet and Contemporary tutors.

What are the audition panel looking for?

Our audition panel will be marking you against our Undergraduate Audition criteria. Please refer to this below.

When will I hear about the outcome of my preliminary video audition?

If you’re an international applicant and submit your application before Wednesday 1 January 2025, you will receive the results of your preliminary audition by Friday 17 January 2025.

All other applications received by Friday 28 February 2025 will receive the results of their preliminary audition by Friday 14 March 2025.

Final Audition Stage

If you are successful at the preliminary stage, you will be invited to the Final Audition Stage. For video applicants, you will be invited to attend an online group interview via Zoom. You will not be required to dance again but your video audition will be reviewed as part of the final audition stage.

Below you can find a list of online final interview dates:

Online Final Interview date

Eligible applicants

Applications must be received before:

Monday 3 February 2025
International applicants only Wednesday 1 January 2025
Monday 31 March 2025
All applicants Friday 28 February 2025

How long will the final interview last?

We anticipate the online interview will last 2 hours. This could be morning or afternoon.

What will the final interview involve?

  • An online tour of the school
  • A group interview with other finalists
  • An opportunity to meet with current students at Central and ask questions
  • Q&A with the Registry and Admissions Manager who can answer any questions you may have about accommodation or Student Visas

Do I need to prepare anything for the group interview?

If invited to attend the final audition stage, you will receive further information about the group interview and what you should prepare to discuss with the rest of the group.

Who will be on the panel?

Members from our Higher Education Team will be leading the group interview; our Director of Higher Education and / or Head of Studies.

When will I hear if I have been successful?

International applicants who attend the online final interview on Monday 3 February 2025 will receive the final outcome of their application on Friday 8 February 2025.

All other applicants who attend the online final interview on Monday 31 March 2025 will receive the final outcome of their application on Saturday 26 April 2024.

Find out more

In-Person Auditions

Open Days

Dance Days

Assisted Application Scheme

Fees and Funding