
Central School of Ballet is an independent training organisation and registered charity number 285398. The School is administered through a Board of Governors, which includes representatives from the dance industry including leading dance companies and related arts organisations and from a wide range of industries and business sectors providing skills and advice to support Central’s goals. The Board meets regularly to discuss the objectives, strategy and performance of the organisation which is then implemented by the Executive Director and executive team.

Members of the Board of Governors are appointed in accordance with the company’s Articles of Association, serving for one period of three years renewable for a further two terms of three years each.

The Board has three requisite sub-committees: a finance committee, an audit committee, and a remuneration and nominations committee. From time to time the Board establishes other ad hoc committees or working groups to address specific strategic matters.

The School is an Office for Students registered higher education provider.  All Higher Education students at Central are currently registered with the Office for Students, and their courses are academically validated by the University of Kent.

Looking to the future

Central is registered with the Office for Students as an English higher education provider. All degree courses are validated by the University of Kent.

Central’s acceptance by the Office for Students verifies that the school provides well-designed courses that deliver high quality academic experience for all students, ensures students’ outcomes are valued by employers or enable further study, and awards qualifications that hold their value over time. This autonomy and independence allows the school to respond dynamically to the changing needs of the dance world, as well as engage in new partnerships and activities locally, nationally and internationally.

Value for Money at Central School of Ballet