70.3 Miles in Support of Central’s Campaign for Health and Fitness Equipment

5 June 2024

Last Sunday, Central School of Ballet’s Head of Medical and Wellbeing and Lead Physiotherapist, Anna Brodrick, took part in a half Ironman. The incredibly tough triathlon totals 70.3 miles – a 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike ride and 13.1 mile run. Anna decided to take on this admirable challenge to raise funds for additional health and fitness equipment for the students of Central.

Anna began training back in 2023 and has been gradually increasing the distances of her swims, run and bike rides to ensure that she was fully prepared for the triathlon. During her last week of training, Anna was balancing time with her children on half term whilst also prioritising sleep.

“We have had a few days in Cornwall with daily dips in the sea, not only to have fun in the waves but also for me to get my head into the water quickly. On race day there is limited time to acclimatise into the water before the gun fires, so I need to get used to getting in and getting my head in quickly, ready to swim!”.

After all the preparation, Anna completed the half Ironman on 2 June, finishing with a time of 5 hours and 20 minutes. Anna’s performance also meant that she was the 18th female across the line. However, despite the dedication to her training and her impressive time, Anna was back in Central the next day working with the students!

Anna decided to participate in the half Ironman in order to raise money for Central’s health and wellbeing department. The funds raised will go towards a range of new fitness equipment for the students, including an exercise bike. This new equipment will support the strength and conditioning that Central students complete regularly, reducing their risk of injury and supplementing their technical training.

Each year, Central’s offer for training is supported by a range of generous donors, that ensure the high quality of the degree and allow more young people to access professional dance training. We are incredibly thankful for all of the donations we have received as part of this campaign. We’d also like to congratulate Anna on her massive achievement and the dedication she has demonstrated to the school and the students.

To show your support and donate to this campaign, click here.