Student Life

Central offers rigorous degree level training in a range of skills that are both relevant to, and coveted by, the modern dance industry. We provide this in an environment which is positive, nurturing, supportive and encouraging. But life at Central is more than just specialist training and study modules. When you join Central, you also join a family of students and staff, as well as a wider network of graduates working and performing in the UK and international dance industries.

Kirit, Second Year

Phoebe, Third Year

Shiori, 2024 Graduate

Harvey, 2024 Graduate

Kirit, Second Year

Central offers excellent training which is necessary in order to enter the industry when the standards are so high. I have loved my time so far at Central. I’ve been able to meet a lot of new people and make new friends. The classes offered have been fun and I feel like I have improved as a dancer.

Since joining Central I have become a lot stronger thanks to the work of Chris who is the first year male tutor and part of the Strength and Conditioning team. I feel far more stable and in control which is something an audience would want to see in the future. I’ve also become a braver dancer. Central has allowed me to push the boundaries of how I dance through modules such as contemporary, choreography and improvisation, when previously I had almost exclusively done ballet.

Image by Kate Frost Photography

Phoebe, Third Year

I chose to come to Central because I felt that the course they offered would enable me to become a varied, versatile dancer whilst also gaining an academic degree. London offers many opportunities to watch ballet and touring companies. We are also lucky that the school has direct links in the dance industry and we regularly have professionals in to watch or teach us.

Shiori, 2024 Graduate

The biggest reason why I chose Central is that it has a lot of precious opportunities and experiences to learn a wide range of dance from many different perspectives and perform in London, where I can experience art. There are various classes, such as ballet, contemporary, Spanish, Jazz, choreography and dance studies.

In school showcases and Ballet Central, we have chances to not only perform many styles of works but also work with amazing choreographers to create new pieces. Without these experiences, we cannot understand what is required of us to work in a company, and they will help me demonstrate the skills I need when I become a professional dancer.

In addition, it was an honour to have the wonderful opportunity to perform in English National Ballet’s Nutcracker and Giselle. I am grateful to the school and teachers for this opportunity and for making the connection with the ballet company. I learned a lot of important things and necessary skills to join a professional company.

Image by ASH Photography

Harvey, 2024 Graduate

Since starting 3rd year, I have been exposed to professional company environments such as the placement I did with Scottish Ballet for their production of Cinders. With the connections established between Central and Scottish, I perhaps wouldn’t have been given the amazing opportunity to rehearse and perform alongside the company, touring to 5 different cities and completing 61 shows. I gained valuable insight into how life in ballet companies works and learned many lessons that I will be taking with me for when I enter the industry myself. Since coming back to Central, I have already been able to apply what I learned at Scottish as I am required to pick up lots of choreography in a short space of time to be ready for the Ballet Central tour starting in May.

Image by ASH Photography

“My favourite thing about being at Central is being able to come in everyday and getting to dance to lovely music, surrounded by great teachers and my friends. “

“I think that Central is helping me to become the best dancer that I can be. The staff encourage me, push me and expect me to perform like a professional and are helping me become a resilient, considerate and smart dancer that company directors will enjoy having in their company.”

“I am grateful to the school and teachers for the opportunity to perform in English National Ballet’s Nutcracker and Giselle.”

“In many ways, 3rd year closely resembles what life in a dance company is like, preparing as well as equipping me with the confidence and skills I need for what is to come in the future. “

A day in the life of a second year undergraduate student


Wake up and prepare breakfast: avocado and egg on toast with strong coffee. Do some very light stretching and wrap up for the cold weather. It’s so important to keep your body warm so you don’t injure yourself.


Walk to Central’s new studios in Southwark. I’m lucky that I live in student accommodation close by. Some of the students travel from home and take the tube or train. It was quite hard in the First Year to live away from home, but I found that everyone is welcoming and Central soon becomes like a second family.


Head straight to the studio to run through warm up exercises and stretching before class. We always make sure we’re properly warmed up before we start any training.


Most days start with a ballet class. We start with practising basic steps at the barre which then progress to more complicated combinations of dance steps, building in energy and complexity. We also train separately with specialist tutors to develop specific skills, such as perfecting jumps and turns in the men’s class and pointe work for ladies, which I have later in the day.


Quick break to grab some water – it’s important to stay hydrated – and then straight back into the Weston Studio for pas de deux class. This is one of my favourites – the chance to learn technique with a partner. This is a core part of professional training and essential for future careers as so much of performance involves working with another dancer to tell a story or convey meaning in a dance.


After pas de deux, the ladies we go straight into pointe class. Most classical ballets will involve ladies on pointe so it is important that we learn the specific technique to ensure we can do it safely while making it look as effortless as possible.


Lunchtime! I usually bring lunch from home and have it in the student green room but if I am short of time, I will nip to a café around the corner.


We’re split into two groups now for study skills and today we’re in the seminar room for a session about costume design. We learn to appreciate how costumes are created, the fabrics used and the requirements for dance performance – being able to move and look stunning on stage! In these sessions we listen to experts in their field such as nutrition for peak performance or how to transition into dance professionals.


Time to see the physiotherapist on site. I injured myself in First Year and was out of action for a couple of months. I’m much better now after intensive treatment but I am mindful of the need to take care of my body as I train, so regular appointments are important for recovery and to learn how to prevent re-injury.


I head to my Contemporary class which is a new dance style for me. I was surprised how much I enjoy the different techniques involved and the music used in repertoire. Most of the international ballet companies also perform contemporary pieces so it’s a very valuable skill in terms of future employment.


Ballet Central has been in rehearsals all afternoon and we’ve been invited to watch some of the repertoire they are rehearsing for the forthcoming tour. Next year it will be my turn!


Sometimes we might have events or performances in the evening, but tonight is quiet so I dip into one of the study spaces to do some work on one of my essays. As well as training really hard, we have academic requirements for the degree too. I have an essay due next week about injury prevention – a topic close to my heart. Sometimes I may head to the gym at this point for some weight training but today I head straight home.


I’m home! Every night after training we lie down and raise our legs (we call it draining our legs) to prevent a build-up of lactic acid and prevent aches and pains. Then after a quick shower I prepare a very nutritious pasta dinner. I always need something really filling after a full day of classes.


My new pointe shoes arrived today! There is nothing like the joy of brand-new pointe shoes. We usually need several pairs of pointe shoes each month which increases during performances. They are expensive, between £45-£60 each. Luckily, I receive a bursary through Central that helps pay for my living expenses, pointe shoes and uniform. I’m so grateful to the people who have donated to help fund my extra degree costs because without this support I would struggle.


Spent the last couple of hours sewing and breaking in my new pointe shows while re-watching a Royal Ballet rehearsal livestream. It makes me think about the future and the kind of company I’d like to join when I graduate but for now, I’m off to bed!


Find out more about Central’s degree courses tutors who will be shaping your training and allowing your to reach your full potential and ensure optimum performance. Our tutors support you in becoming versatile and highly accomplished dancers, so that when you graduate you are fully prepared to create a successful and positive career in performance. Central graduates go on to have incredibly rich careers, working both in the UK and internationally, and the advice and expertise that they absorb from their tutors plays a fundamental role in this journey.


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International Students

Find out more about life as an international student at Central.

Living in London

From travel tips to discounts in London, find out how to make the most of our South Bank location in Southwark.

Health and Wellbeing

Explore how Central supports your physical and psychological wellbeing to enhance your training and ensure optimum performance for future career success.

Inclusivity and Student Support

Learn more about the support that will be on offer to you and how Central seeks to foster an inclusive environment that enhances your training.

Higher Education Policies and Procedures

Find all of our policies and procedures relevant to Central’s Higher Education courses.